Wednesday, December 20, 2017

A working link to my new novella it’s not really about the princess but more a s…

A working link to my new novella it’s not really about the princess but more a spiritual work inspired by my years of spiritual enquiry I’ve been a Buddhist a Yogi a Muslim I even lived as a Christian monk on Mount Athos for a short while. It’s not biographical but life inspires art and it is an allegorical philosophical tale with some interesting insights into life. It’s a story of friendship drugs festivals love demons angels wizards and magic poetry and much more. It’s also the beginning of a series of books centred around the dragon’s world with the next title being the second part to this introduction. Future titles are “The Sorcerer’s Kingdom”; ” The Wizard and The Dragon”; “The Secret Garden”; “Where The Man Burns”; “The Mysterious Island and the World of the Sea People” and lots more! Please support a new writer with a lot to offer and buy or download my book and leave a review it’s either free or the price of a coffee and you’d be doing a really good thing! No Kindle required Amazon will email you a copy! My friends know me as someone who has and would do anything to help someone out now I need a favour too!xxx

Source by yialli

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