Its Finally Here Beauty Of The Beast By Rachel L. Demeter!! Happy Release Day! Beauty of the Beast byRachel L. Demeter Fairy Tale Retellings #1 Publication Date: March 15 2017 Genres:Historical Romance Fairy Tale Retelling Gothic Romance Adult Special $2.99 sale price through March 19th Buy Amazon USAmazon UKAmazon CAB&NKoboiBooks Book Blurb Experience the worlds most enchanting and timeless love storyretold with a dark and realistic twist. A BEAST LIVING IN THE SHADOW OF HIS PAST Reclusive and severely scarred Prince Adam Delacroix has remained hidden inside a secluded decrepit castle ever since he witnessed his familys brutal massacre. Cloaked in shadow with only the lamentations of past ghosts for company he has abandoned all hope allowing the world to believe he died on that tragic eve twenty-five years ago. A BEAUTY IN PURSUIT OF A BETTER FUTURE Caught in a fierce snowstorm beautiful and strong-willed Isabelle Rose seeks shelter at a castleunaware that its beastly and disfigured master is much more than he appears to be. When he imprisons her gravely ill and blind father she bravely offers herself in his place. BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Stripped of his emotional defenses Adams humanity reawakens as he encounters a kindred soul in Isabelle. Together they will wade through darkness and discover beauty and passion in the most unlikely of places. But when a monster from Isabelles former life threatens their new love Demrovs forgotten prince must emerge from his shadows and face the world once more Perfect for fans of Beauty and the Beast and The Phantom of the Opera Beauty of the Beast brings a familiar and well-loved fairy tale to life with a rich setting in the kingdom of Demrov and a captivating Gothic voice. Beauty of the Beast is the first standalone installment in a series of classic fairy tales reimagined with a dark and realistic twist. Disclaimer: This is an edgy retelling of the classic fairy tale. Due to strong sexual content profanity and dark subject matter including an instance of sexual assault committed by the villain Beauty of the Beast is not intended for readers under the age of 18. Book Trailer Excerpt Isabelle bravely takes her papas place Quite a while later as Isabelle relaxed and soaked in the hearths warmth she found herself nodding off to sleep. Her mind detached from the stress of the past few days and receded to another time and place. She recalled her journeys with Papa when shed been little more than a girl. All the villages theyd passed through; all the faces theyd seen. She thought of reading fairy tales beneath a bejeweled sky of leaning against a mountain of crates as Papa pointed out the constellations and their eternal stories Rattling seized her attention and ruptured her thoughts. She peered at Papa who was carefully examining his teacup. Not with his sightless eyes of coursebut with wandering fingertips. The same impressive coat of arms engraved the fine proclaim; Papa ran his weathered fingers over its surface clearly in awe of the raised gold decorations and studded gems. The thing must have cost a small fortune. Indeed shed never beheld such finery. Even the wares Papa had once sold paled in comparison. The faded brim of his top hat hung low and covered his glassy eyes. Then her mouth went dry as he slipped the teacup inside his coat. Has he gone mador simply grown that desperate? It was completely unlike Papa to steal. How could heand after being shown hospitality? Her outcry startled him. He half leapt from the chairand Isabelle watched in horror as the teacup tumbled out from the coat. It rattled and rolled onto the stone ground shattering into a million pieces. A gloved hand broke through the darkness quicker than a lightning strike. The hooded figure emerged from the shadows and seized Papa by his cravat. His other hand clasped a branch of flickering candles. The illumination flashed across the dark folds of his cloak soaking him in a pool of light. Stealing from me are you? Breaking my familys keepsakes? A sharp jerk forced Papa to his feet. The rough movement sent the top hat tumbling from his head and onto the stone floor. Papas waxen features melted into an expression of horror and confusion. Her heart pounding Isabelle lunged forward and frantically cried out Let him alone! It was an accident. Dont you see that youre frightening him? Good. The simple declaration threw Isabelle into stunned silence. Papa called out for her as the man strode from the sitting room his solid legs eating up the ground in swift decisive strides. Mon Dieu he was physically dragging Papa through the castle. This isnt happening. It cannot be Stop it! Stop it nowyou monster! Isabelle picked up her skirts and frantically chased after them. Parts of the castle were dark and unkempt causing her to trip several times over wayward pieces of furniture. Her heart violently pounded in her ears. The man moved impressively fast; between his agile stride and sweeping cloak he almost appeared to float through the corridors. Plopping onto the stone floor his dog gave up trying to keep pace. Dust motes rose and fell in midair like ashes obscuring her vision. She followed the branchs illumination watching as the candlelight threw prisms along the walls and floor. Please monsieur. Have mercy I beg you! He didnt know any better. Hes not in his right mind. He would never No one steals from me. His low voice echoed in the darkness steady as a war drum. Isabelle felt herself descending. She ducked as she crossed a low archway where she was met with a steep flight of stairs. A mouth into Hell. The ceiling lurked unusually low and was strung with cobwebs. Isabelle hiked up her skirts which were now a filthy mess and raced down the decayed steps. The hooded figure kept a swift pace while she desperately pursued Papas frightened cries. Plagued by the darkness Isabelle tripped and crashed down the stone steps. Pain cascaded through her body knocking the breath from her lungs. Her skinned knees and elbows throbbed her heart pounded her head burned. She spared a moment to catch her breath as she struggled to her feet and resumed her vain quest. Papas muffled pleas and the sound of slamming bars ripped at her very soul. The dank dungeon was nearly black. She slowed her pace moving toward a beam of light at the far end. Rats the size of kittens scurried across the stone floor and filled the darkness with their terrible squeaking. Her heart thudding Isabelle rushed through the maze of cells following Papas voice and that flickering light. Chains and crude-looking objects littered the groundtorture devices from a past age she realized with a shudder. She found them. Papa was grasping the rusted bars; disoriented and frightened he was murmuring incoherent pleas. Tears fell from his sightless eyes though Isabelle knew he fought to restrain them. The branch of candles sat in front of the cell its wavering light illuminating his terrified expression. Forgive me. I have wronged you when you showed my daughter and me hospitality and mercy. Please monsieur! The man towered before him silent and still. His long arms remaining crossed he stood with his lean torso straighter than a broadsword. His hood was drawn back though Isabelle couldnt see his face from her angle. Papa Im here she said beneath the weight of a strained breath. I-Isabelle? Not sparing a moment she dashed over to the celland the man slowly rotated into sight. Except he resembled more of a beast than any man shed ever seen. Isabelle clamped both hands over her mouth and forced her eyes away. The sight burnedand the inferno in his gaze only kindled that fire. Half of his face looked monstrously twisted; charred mounds of puckered flesh distorted the features beyond any recognition draining him of all traces of humanity. Those heaps of burned leather-like skin gleamed and glistened in the candlelight. His hairline receded on the left side of his face and slanted high above a shriveled ear. Under the severe scarring his age was more or less indistinguishablethough Isabelle guessed he wasnt a day under thirty-five. But his eyes were breathtaking. Two brilliant sapphires. There was also a great sadness and anger in those eyes as if hed suffered more than his share of original sin. Alas as she gazed into his eyes all she saw was blue icean endless arctic landscape of cold desolation. The man turned away appearing greatly affected by her stare and hastily rearranged the hood. His scarred hands trembled as he smoothed down the cloaks thick folds. Release him she demanded. He didnt mean any harm. I No one meddles with my familys possessions. He can rot down here as my prisoner. He ought to count himself fortunate that I havent taken his hand. Your prisoner? This this is a mistake! You must believe me. Hed never A deep husky chuckle cut through her plea. Even so. Please. Just let him out. Its too late for that. Those words seemed to speak volumes. He exhaled a long breath and Isabelle watched as it unfurled against the darkness in a cloud. Silence. Why why are you so angry? Why must you be so hateful? So cruel? If I let him go he said at length what can you offer in return? Isabelle couldnt find her tongue. She wandered directly in front of the cell almost in a lucid trance and clasped the cold bars. Papa was huddled in the corner now coughing and shivering. Guilt unlike anything shed known before pulsated through her. Im to blame for this. And if Papa stays here hell die well within a fortnight likely much sooner Get out of my sight. The mans voice jarred Isabelle from her inward stupor. She turned to him and stepped forward raising her chin at a defiant angle. I am not so easily broken or frightened. I am a survivor. She scanned her empty dank surroundings: the cold stone walls sweeping cobwebs and blazing branch of candles. Despair encased her. Stark emptiness. She dared to step closer while a faint trace of pity bloomed inside her heart. They stood centimeters apart. Heat radiated from the mans body surrounding her immersing her. Isabelle vainly searched for softness him but only a dark embittered spirit reached her. She stared up at his towering frame and gestured for him to bow forward. He hesitated then did as she commanded. Her hands shook damn her as she peeled back his hood and met that piercing gaze again. Half of his face was handsomedevastatingly so. In her twenty-two years of life shed never beheld such haunting beauty. Jetblack waves rich and flowing framed the chiseled lines of his startling features. Stubble peppered the strong curve of his jawline and shadowed a smooth sculpted cheekbone. The right side of his face was striking beautifula stark contrast to its wrecked counterpart. And within those patrician angles and intense eyes she encountered his humanity. His was a face of inconsistencies. Complex. Damaged. Predatory. And more than a bit intriguing. I will stay with you she heard herself whisper. In my fathers place. Isabelleno! I forbid it! The man folded long strong arms across his broad chest. His gaze crawled down her face and settled on the rise of her breastsplanting directly on her silver cross. I demand hes seen by the finest of physicians. Isabelle! Listen to me! Im an old man. Im dying. I The mans dark strangely erotic voice cut through the cellar and his eyes whipped back to her own with a startling force. As my mistress. What? You must stay here as my mistress. For as long as I demand. Perhaps forever. Forever. The word rang with a note of finality. Please Isabelle! I beg you. Dont do this! How could I endure it? Do as I say and your father shall safely return home. He waved his cloaked arms with a magicians delicate grace. Your fatherwhatever family you may haveshall want for nothing. A house clothing anything they require. You only need to say the word. Your father will be under my protectionunder the care of nurses and physiciansuntil his last breath. Isabelle briefly recalled whatand whowas waiting for her back in Ruillé. This fate wouldnt be much worse. This desolate castle could serve as the perfect hideout. Papa would live in France free from Raphaels clutches and in the hands of the worlds greatest physicians How how can I trust you? And does he even have the wealth to uphold such a promise? You cannot. She had faith Papa would send help once his health recovered. Or shed find a way out means of escape. In the interim she would survive this grim castle and whatever horrors it concealed. Papa would not. The castle would crush him beneath its dark heel in a matter of days. Isabelle glanced at Papa again then stared into the mans brilliant eyes. There lurking within those expressive depths she found the softness shed pursued minutes before. She sucked in her breath and nodded her agreement. It is done. The man swept backward. Hes to remain down here till first light. Then our agreement shall be carried out. In the meantime I will bring blankets and food But its so cold! He Stole from me while he was a guest in my castle. He would not compromise. That much was certain. I demand to stay with him. As you please. He unlocked the cell. Beyond the dungeon lies a labyrinth. Try to escape and youll be lost forever. He tapped the wall with his booted heel. It swiveled spun and rotated sweeping her captor to the other side Excerpt Adam gives Isabelle his library Close your eyes ma belle. Strong hands cupped either side of her face. She felt as Adams thumbs tentatively brushed back and forth stroking her cheeks in reverent caresses. Isabelle shut her eyes and slipped beneath his spell leaned closer in the darkness until they stood heartbeat to heartbeat. The warmth of his breaths teased her hairline bringing with them a minty scent. His thumbs descended to just below her chin. She lowered her face felt a featherlight kiss land on her brow. It happened so subtly and gentlyIsabelle wasnt sure whether shed imagined it. She was allowing herself to feel too much. A stab of guilt penetrated her chest as her thoughts crept inward. Yet instincts told her to trust in her gutto allow her heart to speak over her tumultuous thoughts. So she shoved away her guilt and allowed herself to simply feel. Pounding footfalls echoed in the room attesting to its sheer size. Isabelle waited in anticipation under the veil of darkness her small hands knotted in Strangers wiry coat. The steady beat of Adams boots floated away from her. A loud whipping noise and a burst of light illuminated the room as he tugged a heavy damask curtain aside. Open your eyes Isabelle. She did as he commanded. Shafts of sunlight tore inside dancing across the marble floor in blaring prismsthough the darkness still obstructed the rooms contents. Isabelles imagination soared as she fantasized about what lay in those clotted shadows. Pale light fringed Adams formidable shape contrasting his silhouette against the dim atmosphere. He paused in front of the opened window and folded both arms behind his ramrod-straight back. Isabelle gazed at the line of his body unable to tear her eyes away. Indeed light from the window set him aglow shrouding him in a cloak of gold. He wore black trousers and a white silk shirt which fluttered lightly when he moved. Over the past several days hed made a habit of abandoning the cloak and hood. Isabelle had become accustomed to the mismatched sides of his face; where she once felt horror and revulsion she now tingled with curiosity and budding admiration. Alas the only true revulsion that remained was the memory of that night Adam was an undeniably prideful man and she knew hed only scorn her pity. Even his stance exuded a sense of importance and authority. Strange how he was so often shy and almost childlike; then as if by a flip of a coin hed turn regal confident. It was as though he was battling two separate halves as if an intricate part of himself kept fighting to emerge. Not unlike the two contrasting sides of his face Isabelle mused. For a suspended moment he stood in front of the conservatory window his scarred hands planted on his lean hips as he surveyed the distant gardens. Then he crossed the room his footfalls amplified by the medallion flooring and thrust open another curtain. Whoosh. Light flooded the space and chased away the shadows and the rooms contents were ushered into view. Isabelle nearly lost her breath at the sight. It was a beautiful librarythe most stunning sight shed ever beheld. Ornate intricately carved shelves towered against the painted walls and reached for a gilded ceiling. A baroque chandelier hung in the heart of the room; its crystals sparkled like diamonds as they drank in mornings light. Isabelle fought to temper her racing heart as she gaped at the sweeping shelves. An intimate reading nook lined a curved window; lush pillows decorated the chaise and a brass candelabra towered beside it. In all her life shed never seen so many books. There were far too many to count. Too many books to read in one lifetime. Isabelle couldnt help but think of the little storekeeper from Ruillés bookshop; she imagined his astonishment how his bushy white brows would rise at the sight of Adams vast library. Hed run his wrinkled fingertips over the bindings and spines reverently caressing each one. Her heart twisted with nostalgia at the thought of her former home. Once Raphael had entered her life however Ruillé had transformed into a prison. This castle should have been just that. A jail cell. Yet shed never felt more free than in that moment. The library was larger than her whole cottage; several book-filled rooms connected to it each one built with floor-to-ceiling shelves. Three sliding ladders were nestled against the circular walls soaring to the very top of the domed ceiling. She spun on her heels twirling in placewatching as the immense collection flurried by in a fantastic mosaic of colorful spines and intricate woodwork. Her eyes planted on Adam who stood in front of the large row of glowing arched windows. His arms were still folded behind his body his sleek back straighter than an arrow. She couldnt find her voice couldnt move forward although she ached to reach out and embrace his solid body. How would it feel to be enveloped inside that commanding strength? A devastating smile spread across his misshapen features and cut her thought short. He ran a shaky hand through his hair which was highlighted by the suns rays and then hesitantly strode toward her. His boots rapped against the floor and the sound swelled through the library. Stranger barked as he approached the loud noise echoing in the room and jarring Isabelle from her trance. Do do you like it? Finally he stood before her silent and still. Isabelle inhaled a long breath then laid her palm on the left side of his face. Her fingertips danced over the raised ridges and welts the reddish scars and shriveled ear. His eyes shuttered closed and she felt a shudder rake through his tense body. Yes. I love it. And Im starting to fall in love with you too Meet the Author Rachel L. Demeter lives in the beautiful hills of Anaheim California with Teddy her goofy lowland sheepdog and her high school sweetheart of fourteen years. She enjoys writing poignant romances that challenge the readers emotions and explore the redeeming power of love. Imagining dynamic worlds and characters has been Rachels passion for longer than she can remember. Before learning how to read or write she would dictate stories while her mother would record them for her. She holds a special affinity for the tortured hero and unconventional romances. Whether crafting the protagonist or antagonist she ensures every character is given a soul. Rachel endeavors to defy conventions by blending elements of romance suspense and horror. Some themes her stories never stray too far from: forbidden romance soul mates the power of love to redeem mend all wounds and triumph over darkness. Her dream is to move readers and leave an emotional impact through her words. Dont be a stranger! Rachel loves to connect and interact with her readers: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Newsletter | Amazon Author Profile | Instagram Enter the Giveaway
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