Vinyl records are popular again and here’s how they’re made – CNET I fell in love with music at a very young age. I can remember sitting in my parents living room listening to the crackle and pop that accompanied each new song only to be replaced with a thumping drum intro or a sick guitar lick that seemed to leap from our Klipsch corner horns. This experience stuck with me through the introduction of cassette tapes CDs and finally the current digital-music age. The convenience and quality of digital music is unparalleled but with the recent resurgence of records and as any vinyl enthusiasts (and certain audiophiles) will tell you vinyl has a special sound that digital music just cant capture or replicate. Im not immune to its pull; Ive recently invested in a new turntable and sound system and have actually started buying vinyl again. And now Im as excited about the medium as Ive ever been. It helped that about a year ago I set out to discover exactly what it takes to make a vinyl record. Heres what I found. This is how a vinyl record is made See full gallery 1 – 4 of 23 Next Prev Lets block ads! (Why?) – Repost from: cnet Post – you can download ImmedTech app for android from link :
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